An introduction to Docker


An introduction to Docker

Modern applications have to run on a vast number of different systems, with different hardware (e.g. a phone vs an HPC system) and very different software versions (e.g. Windows XP vs Android Oreo). Making sure the software you want to use runs on the machine you want to use can hence be very difficult. Docker is a very popular software tool that helps to address this issue. It is the most well-known implementation of so-called container technology. This technology allows you to (a) run different isolated software environments on the same machine, and (b) create consistent and portable software environments that can be run on different machines. In this talk, I will give a very brief introduction to the concept of containers and why they are useful. I will then give an overview of the most important commands you need to set up your own containers using Docker. The talk will contain a short tutorial; those who want can have a look at the installation instructions for Docker on and follow along.

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